Wednesday, September 2, 2015

1. I prefer to be called Allison
2.  Hometown: Lakewood, OH
3. I want to work with children between Pre-K- 3rd grade, preferably preschool.
4. I want to try and get involved in some of the many service activities the school offers. I like to workout so I want to get involved with the exercise classes offered, and possibly and intramural team. I want to have as many new experiences as possible.
5. I like working with children and helping others and think it is important to do so as much as possible. I also want to travel as much as I can since I haven't done much of it yet. This article talks about going across the country and working with children in and out of school. This ties my interests together and would be a great opportunity to see the world with a new perspective, I would definitely consider doing this at some point in my life.
6. In order for me to feel comfortable in the classroom, I need to have a supportive and understanding professor, as well as classmates, so that I can feel comfortable participating and asking questions in class.
7. A formative memory I have from high school is my junior year biology class. My teacher was so enthusiastic about the subject it made me excited to learn. She engaged the class so much every class period and made it way more interesting than if she would have just lectured the whole time. She would sometimes have groups of us teach the class a section of the chapter, and had us do fun projects and labs to make the subject more interesting, and to give us real life examples. Her enthusiasm further inspired me to pursue a career in teaching so that I could make a difference in kids' lives.
8. Some concerns I have in facing the field of education are being able to find a job with so few positions available, and finding a job in the type of school that I want.
9. What made you want to become a professor?

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