Thursday, September 17, 2015

Description                                                           Interpretation
-little girl following mom                                   -going to get ice cream
-2 people going in to get ice cream                    -could be on a date
-teen girl eating with dad                                    -college student catching up with parent
-guy walking out of ice cream shop empty-       -could have dropped off a job application
-sweaty guy walking with earphones                 -just getting done with a run
-dad and son walking                                         -dad rewarding good behavior with ice cream
-two people carrying coffee and walking          -on a date
-two old ladies walking together                       -two old friends catching up
-mixture of old and young people coming        -family dinner  
out of restaurant together
-lady walking dog                                             -cares about her dog's and her own health
-girl cam out of ice cream place in a                - got ice cream after a game
sports uniform

While doing this activity, I discovered that often when I see a certain type of person or group of people, I make assumptions about who they are and what they're doing without even thinking about it or considering that I could be wrong. I realize that these assumptions are very ignorant on my part, because I really don't know anything about that person or their life. I think I make these assumptions based on my own experiences and what I am used to. For example, when I saw a parent and child together I assumed they were out for a treat, because that's something me and my parent's did together when I was younger. However, it's impossible to recognize someone's whole life story by observing them for thirty seconds as they pass by. When I am a teacher someday I will make sure that I do not make automatic assumptions about  my students based on obvious factors. You need to really know and understand somebody before you can even start to judge them or their lifestyle. Not only can I apply this to the classroom, but to all areas of my life. Each student will come from a different kind of home life and will have their own personal struggles that will affect how they act in the classroom.  After doing this activity, I hope to keep a more open mind when I see certain types of people in public, and to not make automatic assumptions as I did during this experiment.

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